
julho 21, 2022

With love, from a little star.

With love, 

From a little star.

Leitner Family Observatory & Planetarium

    For when you start to think about the deeper questions, full of unanswered questions and full of experiences that are difficult to assimilate:

Dear and loving future children,

    Little stars that follow dark paths in the sky, spend day and night brightening. They have a light of their own, a light that always, always shines, but is not always seen. And that even if most of the day they are not recognized, if they were not there, if they all "traveled" without return, they would be missed, because the day would be darker and the night almost imperceptible.

    And so this is how each little star fulfills its role and that even if one of them in particular doesn't want to play it, the others need your help so that the milky way can be completely observed. You can take a different path, every now and then, it's allowed to get tired and off for a night, but the stars know they can never escape being stars.

    Therefore, I wish you never to forget that we are just a little star, a speck of dust suspended in the immanence that is the Universe. And it is here, on this tiny stage, that you will experience the totality of your joys and sufferings. It is here, in this microscopic world, that you will make choices, decide the direction of your heart and touch other lives.

    We won't always be able to live without hurting someone, but I want you to take responsibility when that happens, and that the damage is as little as possible. Ask forgiveness. Fix your mistakes. Try to learn from them. May you not delude yourself into thinking you are bigger than someone else just because you have a nice wardrobe, hold such a position in the company, or travel abroad every year. All this is good, it earns a lot of applause, diplomas and likes on Instagram, but it doesn't make us better or worse than anyone else.

    What makes us better, really, is the ability to have compassion and empathy. The commitment to be solidary, reciprocal and transparent in our relationships. The ability to look into the eyes of those we love and demonstrate the truths of our hearts, even if it causes pain at the time. The virtue of owning up to our mistakes, of not making ourselves victims, of not cowering in the face of our own weaknesses. And finally, respect for everyone, never forgetting that we are together in the same boat, that we are part of a totality, and that even if we imagine ourselves as giants, we are just small specks of dust in a vast Universe.

With love,
From a little star, 
Your future Mom.

Um comentário:

  1. This is stunning - your first paragraph heartbreaking and your fourth paragraph required reading...I hope that your children listen carefully to you.


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